Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Locals Blogs

Montanans representing at Ten Sleep

One of the reasons we started this blog was to contribute to the Montana climbing community. The Locals sidebar on the right is a way we try to hook you up with news of other Montana climbers . . . even if they've since relocated out of the area to, say, Oregon.

So today we were catching up on some news posted on the Climbing Narc's site about "regular guy" Ryan Palo getting a coveted repeat of Smith Rock's Just Do It. Palo has a great write up on his blog about the send that's well worth reading. Deadpoint Magazine also has a lighthearted interview with Palo. And down near the bottom of that is this leading question,
I heard that the same day you sent, some guy from Montana sent Scarface (5.14a). What's he all about?
Which brings us to the most recent addition to the Locals sidebar here at the Mill Creek Report, a link to the blog of Bozeman climbers Peder and Jess Groseth who, as DPM puts it, "Recently quit their jobs, bought a van, and are currently on an extended road trip through America."

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to support Montana climbers while living vicariously through the adventures of others who are out there following their dreams. Enjoy!

(Yeah, we know, there's a stale blog or two over there as well. After 12 months we'll age them off the list...)