Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bouldering Gym in the Missoulian

photo from http://www.facebook.com/freestoneclimbing

Submitted by Ken

My usual driving route from the office to the UM gym takes me along Toole. A week ago I was heading over after work when I noticed the new bouldering gym's bay doors were open. I decided to stop and have a look. Inside, examining a box of new holds, I found the main visionary behind the gym, Walter, along with UM gym setters Scott and Brian. This was my first time to meet Walter in person, and also my first time to get a look at the gym's interior space. It's huge and the walls are way tall!

It was fun to see the structures taking form, and it's clear Walter has a great vision for what this facility can be.

For a good write-up, check out this Missoulian article that just ran.